I have been searching for a long term gay friend for quite some time now. The friends that I have are not from the same locality that I am currently in. So the need for a companion at Kozhikode is very much intense for me.
In the last ten days, I met three persons. The common ground was that all three are looking for a long term gay friend. Unfortunately, none of the meetings proved to be fruitful. In case you are wondering, I had sexual activity with only one among these three. Even that was far from satisfying for both of us.
Why did the three meetings turn out to be unsuccessful?
The first person was a youngster who wanted to have fun. We had met earlier also and at that time we had some fun, but stopped before the climax because of circumstantial constraints. This time also, we stopped well before the fun actually started. My feeling was that the guy was not sure of himself. He had no sexual experience prior to meeting me, and he seemed to be still exploring his sexuality.
The second person is the one with whom some sexual activities happened. The person was unable to sustain himself. Repeatedly he kept failing to maintain the erection. At last, I stopped the activity and saved him further embarrassment.
The third one was the most disappointing for me. We had talked over the phone the day before. He told me he was a gay looking for long term relationship (the same that the others also said, but with more conviction). After we got together, he turned out to be a person looking to gratify his needs and not concerned about his partner’s. He too was most uncomfortable with himself. We spent almost an hour together and I purposefully did not initiate any intimacy as I was so much worried about his uncertainty. After the chat that we had the day before, he had come across as a person very sure of himself and his likes. Unfortunately, this was not the case when we met in person.
I know a relationship does not happen in one or two meetings. It takes time to get used to each other and establish a rapport. But, the indecisive nature of a partner is the worst thing that could happen in a date. One has to have a clear idea about what one is looking for, how far one could go, and more importantly let the partner know the same in most certain terms.
Is anybody listening????? And so the quest continues….